Innocent children shouldn’t be suffering in our border facilities.
Innocent children should never have to live in horrible conditions of sickness and filth — no matter what their citizenship status is.
Our American duty is to ensure that all children are treated with the human dignity we believe in, which means correcting our leaders' mistakes at border facilities.
Click To Read More About The Border Crisis
Kids have been separated from their families and are now being held in overcrowded facilities where young children are caring for infants they just met, with no access to basic necessities like soap and toothbrushes.
This does not reflect our core American values, and we must call on our leaders to make a change. The cries of the children demand we not turn away because the problem is hard.
Learn what you can do to help and watch the video below to learn more about the experiences of asylum speakers when they arrive at the border, then share with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter!
Since 2016, the U.S. has been turning away asylum seekers at borders, limiting how many are allowed in each day. Thousands of refugees wait at the border for weeks or months before the U.S. allows them in to request asylum. Watch this video from Doha Debates to learn more.
How Can I Help?
We cannot sit idly by while innocent children are suffering on our own turf. Find out different ways you can help below:
The first step in fixing the problem is being aware of the problem. Educate yourself on what is happening at our border through the resources below:
Donate & Get Involved
There are many organizations seeking justice for immigrants who have been separated from their families and innocent children who are living in horrible conditions in the border facilities. These are just a start — check them out and consider donating to their efforts:
Speak Up
Sending a message to our leaders is crucial. Find your representatives and contact them to tell them to prioritize funding and improving these children’s conditions.