The United States of America was founded on the principle of standing up for what you believe in. Today, we get to… https://t.co/p0vylBUK9W
What's happening to innocent children at our border facilities goes against our core American values. Find out what… https://t.co/L1YHe0CVB2
There is no reason asylum seekers hoping for a better life in the US should feel they need to risk their lives to c… https://t.co/u7u36mroZx
We all must look to empower refugees. It is great to see presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg spotlighting t… https://t.co/RwIE7HrHut
Another great #blockchainevent #WCC2019 will be held in Las Vegas from Oct. 29 to 31! @WorldCryptoCon Check out thi… https://t.co/uZyKiFFpDF
Check out A.I. Blockchain Summit held by @WashingtonElite to learn from top experts in fields such as Self-Sovereig… https://t.co/0b6BJjf0Am
Not sure about the practicability of #blockchain? @ZagoMatteoGian lists “50+ Examples of How Blockchains are Taking… https://t.co/XoQ07Tjtkk
A heartbreaking story on “Generation O,” the children at the hands of families struggling with #opioid addiction. M… https://t.co/FaD8ljOQJi
RT @OxfamAmerica: Johnson and Johnson says they pay their fair share in taxes but in reality they dodge billions of dollars in taxes… https://t.co/EN7waFxuil
We can show our American values not only by our actions in person, but also how we engage with our neighbors online… https://t.co/l3Qho7F8Mw
We should show our patriotism by loving our fellow Americans, no matter who they are. Please join me in watching Jo… https://t.co/MBoE8OuTOo
Want to be a true patriot? Watch @JohnCena's #WeAreAmerica ad here & show your love for your country and all its pe… https://t.co/6i17cxmi17
Every day weapons are used to facilitate gender-based violence #GBV. The #ArmsTreaty is the first treaty that recog… https://t.co/md79i3gZoe
Today #ArmsTreaty reaches 100 States Parties. The ATT can help bring the arms trade out of the shadows - and preven… https://t.co/ZDmK8BsMOI
At Public Democracy Action, we are proud to support @OxfamAmerica in their #BehindTheBarcodes campaign. We are than… https://t.co/4rKyOWBfOg
RT @OxfamAmerica: The Food Truck has made it to the @WholeFoods HQ in Austin, Texas! WF refuses to talk to us about the human sufferi… https://t.co/Hld2VJcEE8
RT @OxfamAmerica: The #behindthebarcodes food truck crew made it to #Austin! We will be at the @WholeFoods 525 N Lamar Blvd from 10:3… https://t.co/96Rcn3sGSN
RT @OxfamAmerica: Our awesome volunteers outside @WholeFoods in #Austin to push the supermarket to take action around the human suffe… https://t.co/R86TK7Bvhw
Sending our congrats to @OxfamAmerica, whose "Ready. Set. Vote." campaign was recognized by @EveryActionHQ as one o… https://t.co/33yqaXV23O
Doreen Oport, former employee of the US Embassy in Nairobi, wrote a@DailyCaller op-ed calling for justice for 1998… https://t.co/WXwXH5qXPH