
EPA Mercury Rule

EPA Mercury Rule

EPA Mercury Rule



Demonstrating our capacity for bridging ideological divides to promote the common good, we worked with the Evangelical Environmental Network to launch a quarter million dollar campaign including billboards and print ads that used pro-life arguments to urge Congressional support for EPA mercury regulations. One in six children in the country are born with dangerous levels of mercury in their bloodstream which can lead to permanent brain damage and developmental defects. The campaign successfully concluded with the implementation of the EPA's Utility MACT rule which will cut mercury emissions from coal burning power plants by 90%. EEN’s staff was called  by 15 House & Senate offices seeking a meeting to clarify positions and prevent their being targets in a later phase of the campaign. Numerous Senate offices also expressed gratitude for the support and cover EEN's pro-life message provided them. EEN’s President was invited to the signing of the EPA rule in recognition of the contribution of the pro-life community and was called to testify before Congress about the faith community's support for mercury restrictions.